
Saturday, June 29, 2013

A Casting Glance

A casting glance can win few and break many.
The aroma of all that is divine,
Leaves an unquenchable thirst to all of mankind.
The greatness of the trap,
Also has its perks.
Once he comes onto this path
His life will be forever lost.
For behind every man, there is a flaw,
That, even before the great man's rise, can make him fall.

--Alyssa :)


A dark shadow,
That clouds the heart
And releases the soul,
Devours the victims
That no longer stand united.

--Alyssa :)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Note for Readers

Dear Readers,

No matter where you are in the world, there are always incidents or dramatic events taking place. In the United States, the Boston marathon bombing had occurred. This event injured many, killed three, and haunted the souls of the American people. I, as one of these people, was horrified and scared to see something like this happen again. Although it wasn't as bad as the September 11, 2001 attacks, it still traumatized the nation.

As we watch things like this, it worries me that people hate and discriminate because of this. It's hard thinking that people could do something so heartless and cruel. I'm not much of a political person, but I did watch the speech President Obama gave in response to the Boston bombings, and it was emotional for me. The one line that stood out most was, "They failed because we refused to be terrorized". If we refuse to be terrorized, does that give us a reason to terrorize others? What separates us from a dictatorship then?

It may seem that I am overdramatizing this situation, but when contemplated, it does make some sense. HOWEVER, I don't want you, my reader, to feel that everyone out there is bad. There are good people out there, and maybe it could be you. If you really want to see more good things happen, then start by doing something good. Even the smallest, insignificant gesture could mean the world to someone. It may take a person's mind off the negative that is going on in the world around us.

In the words of Malcolm X:

"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people that are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing".


Monday, April 15, 2013


When hearts collide,
And heroes fall,
The Gods watch from the heavens
Ashamed of man that once stood tall.
Below from Hell, evil Hades plays
The instruments responsible for man's ways.
With the pluck of a string
From the deadly harp,
He tempts their gentle beings.
With the beats of the drum,
He causes mortals to clash with one another.
It's only the Godly melodies
That are the treaty to this war
That serenades the beasts within,
Making young Hades scorn.
He knew to retreat,
But only for now
Because his next move would take time.
Centuries will pass
And the battle shall continue
Without an overall winner,
Because neither would dare,
In the quest for power,
To try to destroy their own brother.

--Alyssa :)

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Remember Me

When memories fade,
When tears arise,
When tides retreat from the shore,
When time moves on,
You will recall,
And attempt to merely seek solace.
When in the dark,
Do remember the things
That once brought light into your heart.
Will you remember me?
Will you think of me,
And learn to let me go?

--Alyssa :)

Monday, April 1, 2013

Bring It to Life

It's all in your head.
That impure thought.
That dark feeling.
It's not real.
It's all in your mind.
There's nothing wrong with you.

It's all a lie.
It's not a thought anymore.
It's alive,
Racing through your body,
Trying to break free from the mind forg'd manacles.
If it's freed
It will annihilate you.
So breathe, just breathe.

--Alyssa :)

Thursday, March 28, 2013

A Heart



--Alyssa :)

Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Rose: A Short Poem

The rose,
That's beautiful and pure,
Torn and defiled,
By the profane fingers
That created it.

--Alyssa :)

Friday, March 15, 2013

Afterlife: Forever Lost

In the temptation of the sweet entanglements,
They lost the sense of desires.
In hopes their love would triumph all,
Overestimation led to their downfall.
When Prometheus ventured to cross the boundary
To change the human ways,
The struggles he faced were nothing compared
To the challenges the lovers faced.
Did Aphrodite, who was loved by all,
Beseech her lovers
And watch them fall?
Did Shiva open his third eye
When the other gods had dared to defy?
Lo! What fools these lovers be
To try to change the course of destiny!
As all their attempts will soon lead
To the single place where all souls feed.
Death, thy sweet sanctuary,
Will give the two a home,
Separated from one another
In an unearthly tomb.
Forever the souls will part,
Going their separate ways,
Never to join the body and heart
Nor see the light of day.

--Alyssa :)

Monday, March 11, 2013

My Frankenstein: A Poem

I write to prevent
What happened to my creation,
and left me in this mess.
It was I who tainted him,
And caused such chaos in the world,
Simply because I denied him.
To be sent to the tenth circle
Was the least they could've done,
For I created this monstrous being
Whom I did not consider the one.
Even though he left heart-broken,
I remained for ever in his thoughts.
He lost the line from dream to reality
And it for ever annihilated him.
I was lost in a stranger's arms,
Guiltless of what I had done,
Until the time had finally come
Where Death was a trophy I wished to have won.
His love was true,
His loyalty rare.
But I thought nothing of it,
Until his devotion turn into obsession,
And a punishment he saw fit.
Of my life he sought to ruin,
And succeeded rather well,
For my monster left me in this hole to die
And will soon join me in this never-ending hell.

--Alyssa :)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Poem: Lines from the Thoughts

The coldness consumes her heart,
Where darkness and evil lie,
The luring Death devoured her soul,
Defying Heaven's piercing cry.
Upon the cliff, his heart she held,
Withstanding time and space,
Wrapped in silk she began to gaze
On the betrayer's golden case.
She gazed upon his endearing love,
And sensed her inner rage,
His love, like a rose, greatly grew,
Apart from her naive ways.
Even Versailles could not reflect
The pain she kept within,
Now on this cliff she stands alone,
Preparing for her dip.
As her corpse drifted ashore
The people stood amazed
For on that day three years ago
They set her secret ablaze.
The night she disappeared
The men hunted the grounds,
And as they came into her home
They were frantic upon what they found.
Into her chamber they slowly crept
And what they found was shoddy
For in the bed was a slain mistress,
And the lover's lifeless body.
They moved in closer at a slower pace,
In awe of what they saw next.
For what they found on the deceased man
Was an empty hole where a heart should be placed.

I assume that many people may need some background to the poem in order to get a better understanding. So this post is going to describe the previous poem.

Now the poem is, in short, about a girl who fell in love with a boy. The boy had an affair with another woman and, in response to her broken heart, the girl kills the mistress and rips out her lover's heart. After this event, she kills herself by diving off a cliff into the sea. No one knew what had happened to her, and the men of the town go and search for her. They begin at her home where they find the dead mistress and her lover. Her body drifts ashore three years later, but by then, everyone in town knew what she had done.

When the poem begins with a small description about her character now; she is cold and heartless (it is later that you discover why). Now, many people would think that the line "Upon the cliff, his heart she held" would mean something figurative, but in this case it is not. The girl is literally holding her lover's heart in her hand. Now the idea of the heart being wrapped in silk comes from the mysterious theory revolving around Mary Shelley. After the death of her husband, it was presumed that Mary Shelley kept his heart with her, wrapped in silk, until she died. The next five lines explain how she believed he loved her dearly, and how naive she was to believe him.

When she realized this, the girl was hurt. Here I made an allusion to the Palace of Versailles's Hall of Mirrors. When I wrote about how Versailles couldn't reflect her pain, I meant that even all the mirrors couldn't show her pain, and the result of all that pain was her death. The poems makes a quick three-year shift, and then turns into a flashback of how the town found out about the young girl's murder.

That's pretty much the essence of the poem. I didn't try to make it very complex, nor did I try to make it simple. The idea for this poem came from a combination of pieces of literature:
"Ozmandiyas" by Percy Shelley
"The Sick Rose" by William Blake
A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner

--Alyssa :)

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Reading Books: It's a Good Thing!

Dear Reader,

By now, you have probably realized that my topics are very random and differ highly from one another every time I write. Today, I am switching gears from the last topic because this is something that is very important for me...reading.

When I was little, my mother used to read to me every single night. Whether it was for 30 minutes or two hours, she was always in my bed next to me reading me a story. Now, keep in mind, my mom worked an eight-hour shift, came home, helped me with my homework, cooked, and when she read to me, she would sometimes fall asleep, but it didn't matter. The truth was I loved it when she read to me. It's those moments that she created with me that inspire me to read.

I love reading. During summer, I love to go to the library and read for hours and hours. I am actually becoming an English major because of my devotion to reading, and that's something I want to share with you, my reader. I want you to know how much reading has effected my life and how I hope that you will create some memories for yourself.

Reading books is a good thing! It doesn't make you nerd or a loser to read books. In fact, it does just the opposite. Books open a door to this new world of imagination. They create these worlds that help you escape reality and make you feel like you are in a different time. Take Harry Potter, for example. When I began reading the series, I became consumed in the wizardry that filled Hogwarts. I felt as though I were a student attending the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and fighting Voldemort with Harry. I also enjoyed mystery novels because they make you feel like you're a detective working the case with the best of the best. They make you pay attention to every little detail.

It's also a way to expand the minds of children. Kids today are so focused on television and video-games that their mental health is being destroyed. Their intelligence is literally deteriorating, and it is mainly the parent's fault for not instilling any values in them. Now, I'm not trying to attack parenting styles, but I do want to emphasize reading to people. If not for yourself, read because you enjoy making others happy. A way to make reading fun is getting people to read with you, pretending as though you are acting in a movie. Trust me, it's actually pretty fun when you get into it.

Now, reading is an option that I leave you to choose. I am merely trying to share something I am passionate about with you. You heeding my advice is your choice, and I cannot change your choice. So  tis the season. Light a fire. Drink tea. Cozy up in your favorite chair...and enjoy a book.

Alyssa :)

Friday, January 11, 2013

Sequels and Remakes to Movies

Dear Reader,

As you know there are many movies throughout history that have had sequels or have been remade. For example, we have the Friday the 13th movies that have been constantly remade and remade throughout the years. They actually include all the same things, but they graphics are just a little (and I mean little) bit better. The storyline is still the same, and yet there are probably about eleven movies where Jason comes and slashes everyone. They just keep recreating sequels and they just keep getting worse through the years. So my question is, why do they continue them?

Did you know that the James Bond movies is the longest running movie production? They consistently remake them, and then they change the man who plays James Bond and start everything over again! I understand how some stories are changed, but if you take a step back and look at it, the movies are pretty much the same. Let's go back to the Friday the 13th films again. Now, take a step back. Jason comes into a town. Who does he usually kill first? The answer is: the couple that's making out or having sex. Who's usually the one person that survives? The virgin. Then they also "kill" Jason, but little do they know he pretty much can't die.

This is actually a familiar pattern with all the popular horror movies. Some also include Nightmare on Elm Street and Halloween. The one thing that got me thinking about this topic was the release of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie. There's probably three or four movies out about this guy. I actually haven't seen the movies yet, but I have a general summary of what it's about. It's suppose to be insanely good because he's a crazy slasher.

I'm probably going to kill all those sci-fi and fantasy fans out there, but it's the same thing with Star Trek and Star Wars. I understand how it's a really good series, but you can only do so much to a movie until you just overkill it. I personally think a premiere movie and ONE sequel is fine. Why ruin a good thing by remaking it or making it a run-on? I personally believe it's pointless. Then, there's that one person who decides to remake the film, but totally ruins it. You know what I'm talking about. The horror film that has pink blood...

Here's my advice. Stick to the classics. Sure, nowadays we know how fake the effects look and whatnot, but the concept of the story is original and that's the point everyone should understand. Directors and producers just remake old movies because they can't think of an original work to create. Heck, call me and I can give you at least twenty original plots for a movie that would knock anyone's socks off. Creativity and originality is important today...remember that and you'll go far.

Alyssa :)