
Friday, March 15, 2013

Afterlife: Forever Lost

In the temptation of the sweet entanglements,
They lost the sense of desires.
In hopes their love would triumph all,
Overestimation led to their downfall.
When Prometheus ventured to cross the boundary
To change the human ways,
The struggles he faced were nothing compared
To the challenges the lovers faced.
Did Aphrodite, who was loved by all,
Beseech her lovers
And watch them fall?
Did Shiva open his third eye
When the other gods had dared to defy?
Lo! What fools these lovers be
To try to change the course of destiny!
As all their attempts will soon lead
To the single place where all souls feed.
Death, thy sweet sanctuary,
Will give the two a home,
Separated from one another
In an unearthly tomb.
Forever the souls will part,
Going their separate ways,
Never to join the body and heart
Nor see the light of day.

--Alyssa :)


  1. I try to comment on all that I see, yet I'm speechless at this... this is a masterpiece. i view others work and I'm astounded by the grasp of words people have. for somebody so young you're mature beyond your years. I love this poem. thank you Alyssa.

    1. Thank you so much! I appreciate the feedback, Phil :)
