
Monday, March 11, 2013

My Frankenstein: A Poem

I write to prevent
What happened to my creation,
and left me in this mess.
It was I who tainted him,
And caused such chaos in the world,
Simply because I denied him.
To be sent to the tenth circle
Was the least they could've done,
For I created this monstrous being
Whom I did not consider the one.
Even though he left heart-broken,
I remained for ever in his thoughts.
He lost the line from dream to reality
And it for ever annihilated him.
I was lost in a stranger's arms,
Guiltless of what I had done,
Until the time had finally come
Where Death was a trophy I wished to have won.
His love was true,
His loyalty rare.
But I thought nothing of it,
Until his devotion turn into obsession,
And a punishment he saw fit.
Of my life he sought to ruin,
And succeeded rather well,
For my monster left me in this hole to die
And will soon join me in this never-ending hell.

--Alyssa :)


  1. What do you mean by the tenth circle?

    1. The tenth circle is a reference to Dante's Inferno. It is where the the worst of the worst people go in hell.

  2. Wow this is beautiful and heartfelt. I love how it is true and most people do not realize it. I really like how you captured (in real) from other side (other point of view). Everyone sees obsession but don't see how it gets there. Beautifully written!!
