
Friday, January 11, 2013

Sequels and Remakes to Movies

Dear Reader,

As you know there are many movies throughout history that have had sequels or have been remade. For example, we have the Friday the 13th movies that have been constantly remade and remade throughout the years. They actually include all the same things, but they graphics are just a little (and I mean little) bit better. The storyline is still the same, and yet there are probably about eleven movies where Jason comes and slashes everyone. They just keep recreating sequels and they just keep getting worse through the years. So my question is, why do they continue them?

Did you know that the James Bond movies is the longest running movie production? They consistently remake them, and then they change the man who plays James Bond and start everything over again! I understand how some stories are changed, but if you take a step back and look at it, the movies are pretty much the same. Let's go back to the Friday the 13th films again. Now, take a step back. Jason comes into a town. Who does he usually kill first? The answer is: the couple that's making out or having sex. Who's usually the one person that survives? The virgin. Then they also "kill" Jason, but little do they know he pretty much can't die.

This is actually a familiar pattern with all the popular horror movies. Some also include Nightmare on Elm Street and Halloween. The one thing that got me thinking about this topic was the release of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie. There's probably three or four movies out about this guy. I actually haven't seen the movies yet, but I have a general summary of what it's about. It's suppose to be insanely good because he's a crazy slasher.

I'm probably going to kill all those sci-fi and fantasy fans out there, but it's the same thing with Star Trek and Star Wars. I understand how it's a really good series, but you can only do so much to a movie until you just overkill it. I personally think a premiere movie and ONE sequel is fine. Why ruin a good thing by remaking it or making it a run-on? I personally believe it's pointless. Then, there's that one person who decides to remake the film, but totally ruins it. You know what I'm talking about. The horror film that has pink blood...

Here's my advice. Stick to the classics. Sure, nowadays we know how fake the effects look and whatnot, but the concept of the story is original and that's the point everyone should understand. Directors and producers just remake old movies because they can't think of an original work to create. Heck, call me and I can give you at least twenty original plots for a movie that would knock anyone's socks off. Creativity and originality is important today...remember that and you'll go far.

Alyssa :)

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