
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Let's Interact: Give me your Opinion!

Dear Reader,

As you know I have not been writing on my blog lately. College takes a lot out of you! So I have seen a lot in college and there was a huge fight on campus about religion. I know the election has just recently been popular and I wanted your opinion.
Now this fight was about religion. There were Christians (I believe) walking around and praising Jesus with signs that said "God is great" and stuff like that. Then I came across a sign that said, "Homosexuals, hell is waiting". Then there were the Atheists who were arguing about how God doesn't exist. Personally I'm Hindu and I don't believe in all of this, but I want to know what you guys, my readers, tend to believe.

Do you think it is right people to be like this with their religion or should they just stop? Should people be able to express their religion? And if so, should EVERY religion that is practiced be able to express themselves the same way?

Alyssa :)

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