
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Brand Name vs. Generic Brand

Dear Reader,

A question came to me about the difference between name brand and the generic brand. To that reader, here is you answer.

The truth is...there really is no difference. The only reason want the brand name item is, well, because it is known as a "brand name" item. The generic brand is just as good and even better most of the time. Let's take a T-shirt from Abercrombie & Fitch. The basic T-shirt, with just their name on about $24. I mean, come on, are you really going to pay twenty-four dollars for a shirt that you might wear for at most a year. I could spend less than that to buy a plain shirt and the letters and sew them together. It would probably last longer too.

When deciding between buying a generic brand or brand name, remember this: How long are you really going to have it? Is it something that you're going to use forever, like a phone, or something that you will use temporarily, like toilet paper. There are certain times to get brand name and certain times to get generic. And as I explained above, brand name is better for the items that are permanent and generic is better for the items that are temporarily used. I hope this answered your question.


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