
Monday, April 15, 2013


When hearts collide,
And heroes fall,
The Gods watch from the heavens
Ashamed of man that once stood tall.
Below from Hell, evil Hades plays
The instruments responsible for man's ways.
With the pluck of a string
From the deadly harp,
He tempts their gentle beings.
With the beats of the drum,
He causes mortals to clash with one another.
It's only the Godly melodies
That are the treaty to this war
That serenades the beasts within,
Making young Hades scorn.
He knew to retreat,
But only for now
Because his next move would take time.
Centuries will pass
And the battle shall continue
Without an overall winner,
Because neither would dare,
In the quest for power,
To try to destroy their own brother.

--Alyssa :)


  1. Great imagery you have a big talent this is such a powerful piece so well constructed, I've enjoyed some of your other poems quite a lot but this one is my favorite.

  2. Very neat metaphysical poem ... the eternal struggle. Well done!
