
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Reality TV Shows

Dear Reader,

This is topic is something that I've wanted to discuss for awhile, but I never really knew how to go about with it. So instead, I'm just going to throw some thoughts out there and you tell me what you think.

Okay, well we've all seen a reality TV show at one point...whether it's Teen Mom, Jerseylicious, Animal Cops, or even the Jersey Shore. Some are really pointless and some break your heart.

Take Jersey Shore for example. All they do is party, fight, and have sex. There is drama and pointless arguing and fake relationships. I've watched a few episodes to see what the hype was all about, but seriously? I kept watching and thinking, "Are people really entertained by this? THIS??" Now, I get that sometimes it's funny to watch people fight and get drunk, but can't you go outside and experience that firsthand? What do you think people would want to hear, "Dude, these chicks I saw last night got so drunk and broke out in a catfight" or "Hey, Sammie and Ronnie broke up again"? I watch in awe and think, "This is a result of the indictment of the American Education System".

Now there are those shows that have an impact on you. Like Animal Cops. When I see those cops and the animals that they save, it makes me happy and mad. I'm happy because they saved the poor animal(s) and I'm mad because the person who does that crap to the animal doesn't even get punished most of the time. I don't understand, if you don't want the animal then take it to a shelter!!!! Don't abuse it or neglect it, chances are it'll lash out at you or someone else because of your negligence. I am completely against animal cruelty and I hope you guys all are too and if you're not, watch Animal Cops and then get back to me.

Like I said, some reality TV shows are really, REALLY pointless and some are really moving. Some are educational, and some remind you to keep that stuff in the bedroom. Either way, please do not become a mindless zombie by watching dumb shows like Jersey Shore and Teen Mom. You are sending the wrong message to everyone, unless you're doing it to feel better about yourself then go for it!

Alyssa :)

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