
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Pregnant Teens: Are you Serious?

Dear Reader,

This is a topic everyone knows about, but not really discussed. I am going to give you my complete and honest opinion. Unless you have been raped, you should not be a teen mom!

Look, I know that when you are a teenager your hormones run high and you see this guy and think, "Oh my god I want to have sex with him". Girls, sometimes there's a guy that says he'll love you no matter what and that if you had sex with them then he would stay with you after. You know that almost 98% of those guys are only wanting to get in you and then never call you back. And if you get pregnant and he doesn't want to help support you, then you're shit out of luck right? There is less than 0.01% of men out there that can deal with caring for another man's child.

Honey, you are suppose to be finishing your education! You are suppose to be getting a great job, making a name for yourself that is worth mentioning, not "pregnant teen mom". Are you serious? I don't care what anyone says, you are worth more than that. You are better than just laying on your back and taking it. You can become something.

Please, please, do not have a baby just to get money from the government. You won't even be able to use that money if you're pregnant and complaining that your feet hurt, or you're always hungry, or you look fat.......are you serious? If you're worried about getting fat, then don't get pregnant!!!!

I understand that if you have been raped, that's a different story. There is nothing that could make you forget that and a baby is a constant reminder of the event that took place, but a child is still a blessing.

Look, even if you do have a child don't take them for granted. Don't abuse them or do anything that you would regret later. Here's an article on what a mother did to her child that is unforgivable:

If you are a pregnant teen and do not want to keep the child, you can willingly give your child away. Hospitals have this program where you have 48 hours after the child's birth to willingly give them up for adoption. Please, don't make the mistake of thinking killing a baby or dumping it in a trashcan, will take the problem away. That would be something you have to deal with for the rest of your life. Instead, give the child up and someone who is unable to have children would give the child a better life. That person might not be able to have children and you just completed their world.

To all the teenagers out there, do not have sex while you're young, unless it is somehow part of your religion. To all the pregnant teens out there...please be smart and not make the same mistake twice. Men, keep that thing in your pants.

Alyssa :)

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