
Monday, August 20, 2012

Long Distance Relationships

Dear Reader,

Now this is something that everyone knows about, but doesn't always go through. I got a question about whether or not long distance relationship are good or bad. Well, there are pros and cons to it. My boyfriend and I are currently in the middle of a long distance relationship. I am still here and my boyfriend is at San Jose State studying biomedical engineering. Now, it's hard not being able to see him everyday like we used to, but I still Skype and FaceTime him everyday and we text each other. Those simple things makes your partner feel so good because they know you're thinking about them.

There are times when, in a long distance relationship, you start suspecting your partner's loyalty to you. There have been stories where people have cheated, but there are also stories where they don't. Unfortunately, people tend to focus more on the negative than the positive.

If you are in a relationship where your significant other has cheated on you, then I have one thing to say...WHY ARE YOU STILL WITH THEM? If you are in a long distance relationship and have zero trust in them, then dump them. Why lead someone on and why hold yourself back from finding someone near you that's possibly "the one". Let me tell you it takes a strong couple and an even stronger relationship to handle the distance.

Take it from me, I've gone through a long distance relationship. I dated a guy who was all the way up in northern California. That's about 5-8 hours away from me. I thought that it would work out, but the truth was, after awhile, I hardly knew the guy. He completely changed and, to top it all off, he had his eye on another girl (whose name I will not disclose no matter how much I want to). She didn't know about me. She was such a sweet person when I met her, and now looking back, I see what he saw in her. They broke up about a year later, the world works in great ways sometimes. The point is, our relationship wasn't strong enough to handle the distance.

Now, I'm in a relationship. We've been together for two and a half years. He just left for San Jose State University two days ago and I miss him, but I trust him so much that I know he wouldn't do anything wrong to hurt me, just as I wouldn't do anything wrong to hurt him. Skyping and texting are one of the major tools that keep us in contact.

If you're in a long distance relationship, don't stress yourself out. You only need to answer three questions: (1) Do you trust your significant other, (2) Is your relationship strong enough to handle the distance, and (3) Is this relationship worth it? If you are doubtful about ANY of these answers, you need a serious chat with your partner. If you are too worried about what they will say or any issue, come to me and I will be super happy to help you out in any possible way!


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