
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Reality TV Shows

Dear Reader,

This is topic is something that I've wanted to discuss for awhile, but I never really knew how to go about with it. So instead, I'm just going to throw some thoughts out there and you tell me what you think.

Okay, well we've all seen a reality TV show at one point...whether it's Teen Mom, Jerseylicious, Animal Cops, or even the Jersey Shore. Some are really pointless and some break your heart.

Take Jersey Shore for example. All they do is party, fight, and have sex. There is drama and pointless arguing and fake relationships. I've watched a few episodes to see what the hype was all about, but seriously? I kept watching and thinking, "Are people really entertained by this? THIS??" Now, I get that sometimes it's funny to watch people fight and get drunk, but can't you go outside and experience that firsthand? What do you think people would want to hear, "Dude, these chicks I saw last night got so drunk and broke out in a catfight" or "Hey, Sammie and Ronnie broke up again"? I watch in awe and think, "This is a result of the indictment of the American Education System".

Now there are those shows that have an impact on you. Like Animal Cops. When I see those cops and the animals that they save, it makes me happy and mad. I'm happy because they saved the poor animal(s) and I'm mad because the person who does that crap to the animal doesn't even get punished most of the time. I don't understand, if you don't want the animal then take it to a shelter!!!! Don't abuse it or neglect it, chances are it'll lash out at you or someone else because of your negligence. I am completely against animal cruelty and I hope you guys all are too and if you're not, watch Animal Cops and then get back to me.

Like I said, some reality TV shows are really, REALLY pointless and some are really moving. Some are educational, and some remind you to keep that stuff in the bedroom. Either way, please do not become a mindless zombie by watching dumb shows like Jersey Shore and Teen Mom. You are sending the wrong message to everyone, unless you're doing it to feel better about yourself then go for it!

Alyssa :)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Pregnant Teens: Are you Serious?

Dear Reader,

This is a topic everyone knows about, but not really discussed. I am going to give you my complete and honest opinion. Unless you have been raped, you should not be a teen mom!

Look, I know that when you are a teenager your hormones run high and you see this guy and think, "Oh my god I want to have sex with him". Girls, sometimes there's a guy that says he'll love you no matter what and that if you had sex with them then he would stay with you after. You know that almost 98% of those guys are only wanting to get in you and then never call you back. And if you get pregnant and he doesn't want to help support you, then you're shit out of luck right? There is less than 0.01% of men out there that can deal with caring for another man's child.

Honey, you are suppose to be finishing your education! You are suppose to be getting a great job, making a name for yourself that is worth mentioning, not "pregnant teen mom". Are you serious? I don't care what anyone says, you are worth more than that. You are better than just laying on your back and taking it. You can become something.

Please, please, do not have a baby just to get money from the government. You won't even be able to use that money if you're pregnant and complaining that your feet hurt, or you're always hungry, or you look fat.......are you serious? If you're worried about getting fat, then don't get pregnant!!!!

I understand that if you have been raped, that's a different story. There is nothing that could make you forget that and a baby is a constant reminder of the event that took place, but a child is still a blessing.

Look, even if you do have a child don't take them for granted. Don't abuse them or do anything that you would regret later. Here's an article on what a mother did to her child that is unforgivable:

If you are a pregnant teen and do not want to keep the child, you can willingly give your child away. Hospitals have this program where you have 48 hours after the child's birth to willingly give them up for adoption. Please, don't make the mistake of thinking killing a baby or dumping it in a trashcan, will take the problem away. That would be something you have to deal with for the rest of your life. Instead, give the child up and someone who is unable to have children would give the child a better life. That person might not be able to have children and you just completed their world.

To all the teenagers out there, do not have sex while you're young, unless it is somehow part of your religion. To all the pregnant teens out there...please be smart and not make the same mistake twice. Men, keep that thing in your pants.

Alyssa :)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Long Distance Relationships

Dear Reader,

Now this is something that everyone knows about, but doesn't always go through. I got a question about whether or not long distance relationship are good or bad. Well, there are pros and cons to it. My boyfriend and I are currently in the middle of a long distance relationship. I am still here and my boyfriend is at San Jose State studying biomedical engineering. Now, it's hard not being able to see him everyday like we used to, but I still Skype and FaceTime him everyday and we text each other. Those simple things makes your partner feel so good because they know you're thinking about them.

There are times when, in a long distance relationship, you start suspecting your partner's loyalty to you. There have been stories where people have cheated, but there are also stories where they don't. Unfortunately, people tend to focus more on the negative than the positive.

If you are in a relationship where your significant other has cheated on you, then I have one thing to say...WHY ARE YOU STILL WITH THEM? If you are in a long distance relationship and have zero trust in them, then dump them. Why lead someone on and why hold yourself back from finding someone near you that's possibly "the one". Let me tell you it takes a strong couple and an even stronger relationship to handle the distance.

Take it from me, I've gone through a long distance relationship. I dated a guy who was all the way up in northern California. That's about 5-8 hours away from me. I thought that it would work out, but the truth was, after awhile, I hardly knew the guy. He completely changed and, to top it all off, he had his eye on another girl (whose name I will not disclose no matter how much I want to). She didn't know about me. She was such a sweet person when I met her, and now looking back, I see what he saw in her. They broke up about a year later, the world works in great ways sometimes. The point is, our relationship wasn't strong enough to handle the distance.

Now, I'm in a relationship. We've been together for two and a half years. He just left for San Jose State University two days ago and I miss him, but I trust him so much that I know he wouldn't do anything wrong to hurt me, just as I wouldn't do anything wrong to hurt him. Skyping and texting are one of the major tools that keep us in contact.

If you're in a long distance relationship, don't stress yourself out. You only need to answer three questions: (1) Do you trust your significant other, (2) Is your relationship strong enough to handle the distance, and (3) Is this relationship worth it? If you are doubtful about ANY of these answers, you need a serious chat with your partner. If you are too worried about what they will say or any issue, come to me and I will be super happy to help you out in any possible way!


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Do People Change?

Dear Reader,

As you know, there is always someone out there who is struggling with a relationship or has a tough person in their life in general. I mean, come on, we all have that one person that we look at and think, "Grow up already". You always think that it's just a phase and that person will grow out of it. But do people really change?

People never change. That's it, plain and simple. You think that they will, but don't get your hopes up. There is always an essence of their past that they will never ever let go of. I'll give you a personal example. I have a friend, who in this story we will call J, that has been in love with the same girl since kindergarten. He is in college now and still loves that girl, but she only considers him a friend because she believes he is still very immature (which I do think so too). He makes very sexual remarks and messes with girls like those obnoxious jocks in the stereotypical high school movies. I've tried telling him that he needs to accept the fact that she will not acknowledge him unless he changes, and let me tell you, this is a constant issue between us.

I thought J would never change. He got on my nerves so much, but you need to understand that I thought that if he truly loved this girl, he would change. J never listened until one day, I saw talking to the girl he had been crushing on, and she was completely flirting with him! Eventually, when I got a chance to talk to him, I said, "I told you that if you change yourself then she would really like you". The next thing he said blew me away (probably because it was the deepest thing he had ever said in his life. He said, "No, you're wrong. I didn't change myself. I told her that I have liked her since I was kindergarten and I hope that she felt the same and would let me take her out to dinner, but she refused because she said I was too immature and that once I 'grew up' she would think about it. I told her that this is who I am and I am not changing for anybody, even the girl I love. If she doesn't accept me, then she's losing out on a guy that truly loves her".

People, what he said changed my point of view forever. People never change, that's true, but it is also true that there is someone out there who accepts who as you are. Your friends, your true friends I should say, are the ones who accept your flaws and stay with you no matter what. The people who know you best, will be the ones that want you to stay your fantastic self. So be who you are and accept it because if you can't, then no one will.

Alyssa :)

Welcome All!!

Welcome to Inferno!

This is a blog where you can ask anything you want and I will give you the answer or my opinion with the best of my knowledge. This opinion or answer is just my personal thoughts, that doesn't mean you have to listen or care! Trust me, if you are being ridiculous I will tell you. After all, this is meant to give you the harsh truth.

Anyways, I'll post random blogs about various topics. I'll answer all your questions here and if you have a topic that you want to discuss in private, just email me and I will post the answer in this blog and leave the questioner anonymous.

Get ready for the harsh truth. More to come!

Alyssa :)