
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Brand Name vs. Generic Brand

Dear Reader,

A question came to me about the difference between name brand and the generic brand. To that reader, here is you answer.

The truth is...there really is no difference. The only reason want the brand name item is, well, because it is known as a "brand name" item. The generic brand is just as good and even better most of the time. Let's take a T-shirt from Abercrombie & Fitch. The basic T-shirt, with just their name on about $24. I mean, come on, are you really going to pay twenty-four dollars for a shirt that you might wear for at most a year. I could spend less than that to buy a plain shirt and the letters and sew them together. It would probably last longer too.

When deciding between buying a generic brand or brand name, remember this: How long are you really going to have it? Is it something that you're going to use forever, like a phone, or something that you will use temporarily, like toilet paper. There are certain times to get brand name and certain times to get generic. And as I explained above, brand name is better for the items that are permanent and generic is better for the items that are temporarily used. I hope this answered your question.


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Dear Reader: Help!

Dear Reader,

Okay, well today I am going through a dilemma. I need your help. For the purposes of anonymity I will not use names.

Well a friend of mine made a promise to me that they would not do drugs or anything bad like that. They told me yesterday that they smoked a hooka and I was mad. They broke a promise, so I believe I had a right to be angry. Then I find out from this friend's girlfriend that he has been giving girls piggy back rides and almost puts his arm around girls. She gets jealous and I don't really know what to tell her. He seems like he wouldn't do that, but life changes people.

What should I tell her? Obviously, I have an opinion, but I would like to hear from you, reader. Please comment your thoughts and opinions and I'll get back to you. Thanks.

Alyssa :)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Time Managing: Everyone Has to Do It!

Dear Reader,

I apologize for the lack of posts, but college has started and I have been very busy. This topic will discuss time managing, which is something all of will have to do one day or another.

Right now I am having to manage my social life with my educational life. It's not easy. I am taking six classes and am taking an online course program. I also have a boyfriend and I have parents and grandparents, and the rest of my family that says they "need" to hear from me everyday. I'm not going to lie, it's hard. I mean, why wouldn't it be? There is always one thing or another that makes you struggle with basic things. What should you do?

Get a schedule 
This was the first thing I did. I got myself a planner that was strictly meant to help me keep track of classes, assignments, and projects. Not only that, but it also helped me manage any family events or calls that I needed to attend; it also helped keep track of doctor's appointments, etc. This helps you keep better track of where all your time is going and where you can manage to switch things around. When I got a planner, the first thing I did was put all the due dates for all my homework for college and the online program (making sure to include projects and exams). After, I wrote in all the family events and personal events (doctor's, dentist's, etc.). If you are working or have interviews and meetings, put all that information in. If you have kids, put their schedule and information down in case an emergency pops up and you need to rush out and get them.

Stay Organized
I know this is cliche, but you have to stay organized. There's a difference between saying and doing. Don't just say you're going to follow the planner and don't even look at the thing for two years! Stay organized and keep with it. Don't lose papers and files that could cost you your grade or job. Don't forget meetings and appointments that are important. Create folders, make special boxes, file information, create a schedule with sticky notes, etc.

Give and Take
Okay, now I don't always day this, but sometimes you have to give some time to get some time. For example, say you have an exam on a Thursday and you know that you have to study or else you will fail, but you have no time because you have to study for other exams. Well, study for the classes you really need to study for and spend less time studying for the ones you don't really need to study for. See, there is always something you a give time to and take time away from.

There are many ways for people to manage time. It is important that we understand this. Do you really want to be known as the "sloppy one"? I don't. Trust me, if you do these simple things it will remove so much stress from your life. You might even find out that you have time to spare! Take my advice and enjoy the benefits!

Alyssa :)