
Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Note for Readers

Dear Readers,

No matter where you are in the world, there are always incidents or dramatic events taking place. In the United States, the Boston marathon bombing had occurred. This event injured many, killed three, and haunted the souls of the American people. I, as one of these people, was horrified and scared to see something like this happen again. Although it wasn't as bad as the September 11, 2001 attacks, it still traumatized the nation.

As we watch things like this, it worries me that people hate and discriminate because of this. It's hard thinking that people could do something so heartless and cruel. I'm not much of a political person, but I did watch the speech President Obama gave in response to the Boston bombings, and it was emotional for me. The one line that stood out most was, "They failed because we refused to be terrorized". If we refuse to be terrorized, does that give us a reason to terrorize others? What separates us from a dictatorship then?

It may seem that I am overdramatizing this situation, but when contemplated, it does make some sense. HOWEVER, I don't want you, my reader, to feel that everyone out there is bad. There are good people out there, and maybe it could be you. If you really want to see more good things happen, then start by doing something good. Even the smallest, insignificant gesture could mean the world to someone. It may take a person's mind off the negative that is going on in the world around us.

In the words of Malcolm X:

"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people that are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing".


Monday, April 15, 2013


When hearts collide,
And heroes fall,
The Gods watch from the heavens
Ashamed of man that once stood tall.
Below from Hell, evil Hades plays
The instruments responsible for man's ways.
With the pluck of a string
From the deadly harp,
He tempts their gentle beings.
With the beats of the drum,
He causes mortals to clash with one another.
It's only the Godly melodies
That are the treaty to this war
That serenades the beasts within,
Making young Hades scorn.
He knew to retreat,
But only for now
Because his next move would take time.
Centuries will pass
And the battle shall continue
Without an overall winner,
Because neither would dare,
In the quest for power,
To try to destroy their own brother.

--Alyssa :)

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Remember Me

When memories fade,
When tears arise,
When tides retreat from the shore,
When time moves on,
You will recall,
And attempt to merely seek solace.
When in the dark,
Do remember the things
That once brought light into your heart.
Will you remember me?
Will you think of me,
And learn to let me go?

--Alyssa :)

Monday, April 1, 2013

Bring It to Life

It's all in your head.
That impure thought.
That dark feeling.
It's not real.
It's all in your mind.
There's nothing wrong with you.

It's all a lie.
It's not a thought anymore.
It's alive,
Racing through your body,
Trying to break free from the mind forg'd manacles.
If it's freed
It will annihilate you.
So breathe, just breathe.

--Alyssa :)