
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Reading Books: It's a Good Thing!

Dear Reader,

By now, you have probably realized that my topics are very random and differ highly from one another every time I write. Today, I am switching gears from the last topic because this is something that is very important for me...reading.

When I was little, my mother used to read to me every single night. Whether it was for 30 minutes or two hours, she was always in my bed next to me reading me a story. Now, keep in mind, my mom worked an eight-hour shift, came home, helped me with my homework, cooked, and when she read to me, she would sometimes fall asleep, but it didn't matter. The truth was I loved it when she read to me. It's those moments that she created with me that inspire me to read.

I love reading. During summer, I love to go to the library and read for hours and hours. I am actually becoming an English major because of my devotion to reading, and that's something I want to share with you, my reader. I want you to know how much reading has effected my life and how I hope that you will create some memories for yourself.

Reading books is a good thing! It doesn't make you nerd or a loser to read books. In fact, it does just the opposite. Books open a door to this new world of imagination. They create these worlds that help you escape reality and make you feel like you are in a different time. Take Harry Potter, for example. When I began reading the series, I became consumed in the wizardry that filled Hogwarts. I felt as though I were a student attending the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and fighting Voldemort with Harry. I also enjoyed mystery novels because they make you feel like you're a detective working the case with the best of the best. They make you pay attention to every little detail.

It's also a way to expand the minds of children. Kids today are so focused on television and video-games that their mental health is being destroyed. Their intelligence is literally deteriorating, and it is mainly the parent's fault for not instilling any values in them. Now, I'm not trying to attack parenting styles, but I do want to emphasize reading to people. If not for yourself, read because you enjoy making others happy. A way to make reading fun is getting people to read with you, pretending as though you are acting in a movie. Trust me, it's actually pretty fun when you get into it.

Now, reading is an option that I leave you to choose. I am merely trying to share something I am passionate about with you. You heeding my advice is your choice, and I cannot change your choice. So  tis the season. Light a fire. Drink tea. Cozy up in your favorite chair...and enjoy a book.

Alyssa :)